Salon de la revue Paris 13-15 Octobre
Mnemosyne o la costruzione in Open access
Author(s) The name and surname of the author(s) must appear under the title, along with his/her institutional affiliation, or designation as an independent scholar.
Size The article must not exceed 30,000 characters (spaces and notes included).
Font Times New Roman 10.
Abstract The abstract, written in the language of the article, should not exceed 150 words. If not already in English, once accepted by the referee(s), the abstract will be translated into English.
Keywords Select up to five keywords in English, which will appear after the abstract.
Quotations For quotations that are more than five lines, place them in a free-standing block of text with one spacing before and after, and omit quotation marks. Quotes under five lines will be embedded in the text and placed within double-chevron quotation marks « ... ».
Punctuation As in the case with footnote callouts (« xxxx »[1].), punctuation must be placed outside the quotation marks or brackets. The n-dash [–] must be used to contain every parenthetical sentence and the hyphen [-] only as a link between two words. Square brackets [ ] are used for the author’s integrations, omissions, comments or clarifications by the author of the article. Use double-chevron quotation marks « ... », and (" ") only to indicate quotes inside other quotes.
Notes Reserve footnotes for explanations or cross-references in the text.
References Use the author-date system for references, which must be inserted directly into the main text in the following order: author, year, page (e.g.: Lotman J. 2002 : 90). When the text is mentioned twice in a row, the following expression must be used: ibid., p. xx (same source, different page), and ibidem (same source, same page).
Bibliography Books and other works must be mentioned in italics and articles be put between quotation marks « ... ». In the final bibliography, books and articles will be listed separately, in alphabetical order by the author’s surname. E.g.:
Marcel DÉTIENNE (1981), L'invention de la mythologie, Paris, Gallimard.
– (1989) Les Ruses de l'intelligence. La métis chez les Grecs, en collaboration avec Jean-Pierre VERNANT, Paris, Flammarion.
Alberto MORAVIA (1954), Il disprezzo, Milano, Bompiani.
Robert SMITH (1990), La simplicité, trans. by Marion BITON, Bruxelles, Bytan.
Name SURNAME (2016), « Casi e occorrenze nella contemporaneità », in Beatrice BARBALATO (dir.), Vitesse ou lenteur dans les récits autobiographiques sur la naissance des idées, Mnemosyne o la costruzione del senso, n. 9, Presses universitaires de Louvain.
Name SURNAME (2018), « Il paese della ignominia », in Id. [if the author of the articles is also the editor] (ed.), L’Italia contemporanea, Firenze, Concetti.
- Mediapolis.Europa in radio fahrenheit
- Prof Beatrice Barbalato à France Culture La conversation scientifique
- Mediapolis.Europa in radio fahrenheit
- Prof Beatrice Barbalato à France Culture La conversation scientifique